Friday, 24 May 2013

r e f l e k s i # 1


it has been a while since i last update this blog

penuh labah labah...


all praises be to Allah

for without Him,

i will never have the chance to write and express all the feelings that I feel right now

at this moment,

subhanallah wa alhamdulillah,

for with His will 

my friends and I are able to graduate within the time that is provided for us

wa thumma alhamdulillah,

for with His will too

I'm going back to Malaysia next week inshaAllah

pray for our journey

wa alhamdulillah,

for with His will too

He taught me to reflect on something that I have forgot before

to reflect on these two words that seem to be the same but actually they are not

"menyegerakan" and "tergesa-gesa"

I first stumbled upon these two words when I read this book titled

"ku pinang kau dengan hamdallah"

it's true, most people especially those who are around my age will plan either to continue with their studies, or looking for a job, or even getting married.

from the title of the book itself, of course the book is reflecting on a topic about marriage

in the book, it gives us a review upon what it means to "menyegerakan perkahwinan" and "tergesa-gesa dalam perkahwinan" - there is a huge different between those two, seriously!

there is this analogy that is given by the author for us to differentiate between those terms

let me explain it in malay for I would not want to mislead you guys when I explain it in english, for as you can see my english is not written that well like an A++ student, sorry, that's the fact!

analoginya begini,

bayangkan anda diamanahkan untuk memasak pada satu hari yang bertuah ini!

anda memilih untuk memasak sup ayam yang sangat sedap serta sihat untuk di makan!

lalu, ada dua cara yang anda ada untuk menyiapkan masakan sup ayam tersebut!

cara yang pertama,

anda terus masukkan ayam ke dalam sup bersama dengan sayur-sayur seperti kubis bunga, lobak merah, taugeh dan sebagainya

lalu anda biarkan ayam tersebut masak bersama dengan sayur-sayuran tersebut!

ataupun cara yang kedua,

anda memasukkan ayam terlebih dahulu ke dalam sup dan anda tunggu sehingga ayam tersebut masak
kemudian anda meletakkan sayur-sayuran kegemaran anda!

hasil daripada kedua cara tadi anda tetap mendapat hidangan sup ayam yang menyelerakan untuk di makan!

akan tetapi, anda akan dapat melihat hasil yang berbeza melalui kedua cara tersebut!

melalui cara yang pertama, anda akan melihat sayur-sayuran yang anda masukkan bersama ayam anda kelihatan layu dan tidak segar kerana di masak terlalu lama,

manakala, melalui cara yang kedua anda melihat sayuran itu sangat segar dan tidak layu kereana di masak dalam waktu yang singkat

ibaratnya di sini cara yang pertama menampakkan anda merupakan seorang yang tergesa-gesa untuk memasak sup ayam tersebut,

manakala cara yang kedua anda memang mahu memasak sup ayam dalam masa yang singkat (baca: segera) akan tetapi anda memilih masa yang lebih sedikit untuk memasak sup ayam tersebut kerana anda menunggu ayam tersebut masak terlebih dahulu sebelum anda memasukkan sayuran-sayuran kegemaran anda

so can you guys differentiate between those two terms now?

sometimes, as a grown up, we often want to get married as soon as we finish our studies, 

well that's true! I always think of that when I still finishing my undergrad studies.

But after reading that book, it makes me realize and think, and ask myself

do I really want to get married after I graduate just because everyone is doing so or what?

am I "Tergesa-gesa" or "menyegerakan"

so you guys have to choose whether you guys really want to tergesa-gesa or menyegerakan

it's all depend on us!

another one more thing, these terms also taught me about speeding on the road!

because I was too "tergesa-gesa" I was caught by the policeman for speeding!

tersentak di situ!

I know i have to segera pulang because I need to work at three, but because I'm too tergesa-gesa I increased the speed and there you go, Allah made the policeman caught me while I'm speeding

astaghfirullah al azim, 

so guys, the lesson is that, we can "menyegerakan" the things that we want to do but please dont do it in tergesa-gesa manners!

Allah will show to us if we too tergesa-gesa

semoga ada manfaat dan hikmah!
